Dr. Jeffrey Lant Associates, based in Cambridge, MA, is a consulting firm set up by world renowned marketing guru, consultant, author, news-media personality, and Harvard trained educator Dr. Jeffrey Lant. Founded in 1997, we at Dr. Jeffrey Lant Associates are passionate about helping our clients achieve practical results. Today Dr. Jeffrey Lant Associates has helped more than 63,721 small and medium-size businesses across the US, Canada and the UK.
Our works are mentioned in Harvard Publications, Investopedia, Singapore Business Review, Business Insider, and more. Our work has also impacted various organizations including Pulitzer Prize Committee, Office of the Governor of Massachusetts, Forbes Publication, St. Andrews University, Windsor Castle, and more.
Our ongoing aim is to help clients succeed! We examine these challenges in new ways to produce breakthrough insights and provide unique solutions.
Sign up to our mailing list or browse through more than 60 books written by our CEO on myriad topics.

The Consultant's Kit: Establishing and operating your successful consulting business.
THE CONSULTANT’S KIT: One of the leading resources to succeeding in this exciting and lucrative career of Consulting.
A book you’ll be using in some form or other for the rest of your professional life.
Designed to:
- ease you into a lifestyle and a successful business process in a non-threatening, manageable and inspiring fashion.
- start bringing you returns on all you've invested in becoming an expert in your field.
- give you the opportunity to break out on your own, using that knowledge and expertise to take a greater percentage of the benefits than you would working for others.
- direct you to get paid what you're worth and at a ridiculously low cost.
If you have a desire to help others, join the ranks of consultants which are a very helpful lot.
If you have limited funds, you're in luck! Consulting is one of the last places left where you can create a profitable business with ludicrously limited capital.
If you are determined to succeed this book can save you from making a panoply of mistakes and do things right.
The Consultant's Kit and other books in the Entrepreneur Series will show you ways of working smart, working as efficiently as possible and as profitably.
Consulting gives you independence.
Consulting is a way to do well while doing good.

The Unabashed Self-Promoter's Guide
A book used by a huge range of people from those with the most idealistic motives to those who have no other motive than simply wanting to get filthy rich.
Members of state legislatures and celebrities with well-known names are using this book to build their stature and promote their interests...
Entrepreneurs swear by it because it promotes their products and services to targeted constituencies who can buy and benefit from their babies.
Entertainers, charities and nonprofit organizations of every kind, even budding revolutionaries have all found in these pages the secrets they need to influence their publics.
And, not surprisingly, hundreds of authors and publishers have found here exactly what they need to sell more books.
This is the most detailed book ever written on how to get all the free space you want in the print media... and all the free air time on radio and television. What's more the techniques work!
Updated ways Dr. Lant is using for FREE Exposure Online - www.writerssecrets.com
If you have a product or service this book will show you how to
- use the media/internet to get ahead and reap the considerable benefits that only the media can bestow on you.
- bring your product and service to the attention of just the people who can be motivated to buy it.
- get free print space... and free time on radio and television.
- reduce your advertising budget to tiny proportions without cutting into your ability to generate significant sales.
- develop high public exposure.
This book which seeks to show you the paramount role of media in American life and give you the steps you need to cash in on media for your own benefit... and the benefit of those who need to hear about you and what you're promoting, be that product, service or cause.
Use this book in conjunction with the other 6 books in my Entrepreneurial Series.
Find out more at www.drjeffreylant.com
It's very much in your interest, since it contains a host of recommendations on how to improve the profitability and efficiency of your business, whatever kind of business you're running, profit or not-for-profit.

No More Cold Calls: The Complete Guide To Generating — And Closing — All The Prospects You Need To Become A Multi-Millionaire By Selling Your Service
And this book proves it.
Here in the next 16 chapters, you get precisely what you need to create the process that provides all the prospects you need to become a millionaire selling your service . . . and how to work with these prospects so your millionaire status is assured.
This is no idle claim on my part, either. For the last fourteen years, I have helped literally millions of people launch, develop and maintain businesses that have delivered their financial objectives.
In the pages ahead, I shall spare no effort to give you just what you need to fulfill the promise of this book's title. If you've read one of my books before, you know precisely what I mean. It is my life's aim to upgrade the quality of "how-to" information so that it really does deliver what the author promises. I continue to achieve this objective here.
In the pages of this book, I stand forth as your consultant. I shall be urging you, prodding you, even occasionally angering and infuriating you to become the consummate — and most successful — service seller possible. Like many people who read my material, you may find the necessary tasks exhausting ... but like many more, you will probably thank me for my candor, hard-hitting honesty and, I am glad to report, my integrity. I do not offer some magical road to success (like many less scrupulous "how-to" practitioners).. . but I do offer a road that will take you to where you want to go ... if you are willing to stay on it.
What You’ll Find In These Pages
This book is divided into 16 chapters and, briefly, I'd like to introduce them to you.
I begin the book in Chapter 1 with "Thirty Reasons Why You're Currently Sabotaging Your Chances Of Becoming A Multi-Millionaire Selling Services." If you solve these thirty problems, you will become a millionaire selling your service. That's why if you find yourself failing to reach this objective, you should return to this chapter again and again until you have solved every single one of these problems.
In Chapter 2, you'll learn how to create the Multi-Million Dollar Plan. Here you start breaking away from the service sellers whose businesses run them to become the future millionaire who uses your business to make money. You know about having to plan your work and work your plan . . . here are the details you need so you can successfully do so.
Once you've got the plan, you need to gather — and store — client- centered cash copy. That's what you'll learn to do in Chapter 3. This is the process you must go through before you write any marketing communications. Most service sellers don't plan these communications ... and don't do what's necessary to get the proper information they need to motivate people. They just write. Result? They don't make their investment back, much less any profit.
Once you've got the right material — the skeleton — for your marketing communications, then and only then should you produce them. In Chapter 4, you'll master the components of marketing communications that get your prospects to respond ... and learn how to create all the communications themselves. Thereafter you'll never be at a loss for how to create the right marketing communication . . . the communication that gets the person you're addressing to do what you want him to do!
Before you start using these powerful marketing communications, however, you've got some more work to do in your office. In Chapter 5, you'll find out how to turn your personal computer into the most client-centered marketing department imaginable. You'll find out what to put in it and how to organize all your data so that you are prepared to deal effectively with both prospects and clients- so you get more business faster!
There are 11 more chapters in this money making informative book.
What Are People Saying?
Dr. Jeffrey Lant, PhD
Count of Raban Prince of Tornovan Cambridge, MA, 02138 +1 617 547 6372 [email protected] [email protected] |