Does your dead dog smell? Reflections on marketing myths and realities from one who knows.10/18/2016
In the days when I taught university level marketing, even the FIRST LIVE satellite marketing program (Get the Original Money Making Marketing Course CLICK HERE), I set my eager-beaver students a task. Write a classified or space ad… and report on how it draws and what you did to handle any responses you received. In short, this project, like my teaching in general, was never merely theoretical, detached from reality. It was real! Vital! Truthful… and often, as a result, jolting. In other words, your class project either made money… or it didn’t. Much more than your grade depended on it. For the Money Making Marketing Course to Master Marketing and garner more of the good things of this earth CLICK BELOW The scene of the crime… All my students were adult practitioners, that is people who were already employed in professional positions or worked in home-based businesses or on the Internet. These were people who had a strong and pressing interest in mastering marketing. These students came because they needed to learn the ins and outs of marketing… or else. To such people one had an obligation, a sacred responsibility, to speak honestly, speak candidly, and address their real world concerns. And I did. On one occasion, a bright professional woman (I had lots of them in my classes) had the task of presenting her classified ad to the class… explaining why she wrote the ad she wrote, where she ran it, what the results were, how she followed up the respondents, and (and it was the all-important and) how much money this ad generated. In other words, it was all real-life stuff. She wrote her ad, as instructed, on the chalk board, the better for us to see the words which would shortly be shown as either golden, or dross. Then I became the Joe Friday (“facts, ma’am, just the facts”) of the marketing drag-net. “When did you start running this ad?” (Specific date required.) “Where do you run this ad?” (Specific publication or venue required.) “How many responses did you get?” (Specific number required.) And then the kicker… “How much money did you make… after deducting all actual costs of running the ad and responding to respondents?” (Exact dollar figures required.) The lady squirms… Now the moment of high truth and full disclosure had arrived. What had started as merely a class project had become for the person reporting a matter of life and death. The ad copy, you see, would show whether she had mastered the marketing essentials that either produced bucks… and all that those bucks could buy… or not. Everything was riding on what she reported. And she knew it… Bad, bad, tormentingly bad. I an inveterate reader of body language, and this student’s was typical of those who wish they were in any other place on earth rather than here, the cynosure of every eye in this most unrelenting of classes. Of course I knew she was squirming, mulling over how to disclose and deliver facts which (from that all important body language) were sure to be uncongenial. So… along with every member of the class…. I waited to see what the lady would say and do. And we waited…. Then, at last, she admitted the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth… and it wasn’t pretty. She had run her classified ad six times… had not had a single response… and, of course, and worst of all, hadn’t made a single penny. Now, the lady, this aspiring marketer, stood before her classmates…. abashed, humiliated, at rock bottom, a total marketing failure. Then I told her the first essential truth of marketing: does your dead dog smell? And does it, day by day, smell worse… until the nauseating stench overpowers everything else? The ad copy you produce is like a dog. Its job is to go out, your servant, finding and bringing home what it captures; the quarry that sustains you and gives you comfort, even excess. No dead dogs do this… neither do ads which fail to produce responses. The student began to get the picture. Her ad hadn’t pulled and yet she continued to use it, paying good Yankee dollars to do so.. despite the fact she KNEW the dog was dead, stinking. Why had she done this? First, because she was sure, absolutely sure, Her Ad Was Brilliant, the stuff of legend… she was invested in the words… certain that given a chance they would produce the desirable results; aged to perfection, like a fine vintage. But that is a huge mistake… and now she was willing, and the entire class with her, to find the essential nubbin of truth, that made everything she had done worthwhile. 1) Marketing copy doesn’t improve with age. It either works at once, immediately, or it never works at all. Dead dogs never become quick and agile again… they just stink the more. 2) ALL marketing copy, at ALL times must be evaluated, starkly , by results and nothing but results. 3) You must never, ever re-run marketing copy without knowing its previous results. 4) The entire business of marketing is about writing copy, testing copy, evaluating the results produced by this copy, then tweaking the copy to improve it and your overall results. Marketing is and always be an action sport… it is not for the slothful, lazy, or unassertive. More tips ** Never, ever become invested in, beguiled by the marketing copy you create. It either works (producing responses and money), or it doesn’t. Success isn’t everything here… it’s the ONLY thing. ** Never re-run ANY marketing copy until you are certain it works; that is, until you have money in hand. ** Trash your erroneous but deeply felt belief that you can find marketing copy which is so good, so responsive that you never have to change it, never have to do anything else with it than run it and reap perpetual rewards. Such copy doesn’t exist, never existed, and will never exist. Marketing is the most active sport in the world. Those who win at this sport, and the rewards can be staggering, are, to a person, people who are bold, active, engaged… not sleepy-heads hoping against hope that they will find and eternally profit from a few magic words artfully strung together. Those words have never been written. Play the Marketing Game to Win with the Money Making Marketing Course => Go NOW to: Thus, energize yourself for the marketing you must do today, for if you want the rewards of marketing you must master and remain focused on and dedicated to the unrelenting truths of marketing. Otherwise you are hunting with a dead dog… a dog that will never produce results. It will simply stink to high heaven. And that will never do. ————————————————— About the Author Harvard educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is the author of over 1,000 articles and 50 books. His well known “Money Making Marketing Course” book and video are well known to entrepreneurs worldwide. Get a Sneak Peak into the “Money Making Marketing Course” and pick up the complete package at:
by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. It is exactly 463 miles from Maywood, Illinois where I was born on February 16, 1947, to Duluth, Minnesota, where Bob Dylan was born May 24, 1941. In these few facts, there is a multiplicity of meaning... for I, a deep-rooted Midwestern boy myself, take my hat off to you Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham, aka Robert Allen Zimmerman, and then, at various times and various places, Elston Gunnn, Blind Boy Grunt, Bob Landy, Robert Milkwood Thomas, Tedham Porterhouse, Lucky Wilbury, Boo Wilbury, Jack Frost, and Sergei Petrov. Our lives have crossed often, as I will show you here. But an understanding between Bob Dylan and Jeffrey Lant is the work of a lifetime, and your true importance is that through sentiments which often seem to drive us apart, came your rendition of the great truths which have kept and must keep us together. "Get that Jew out of my kitchen". It is hard to see amidst so many travels the small tight-knit Jewish community he was born into. Neither Minnesota nor Illinois, its very near neighbor, were particulary welcoming to Jews, especially ones which in Dylan's family came from the Eastern European countries of Ukraine and Lithuania, places they particulary despised, avoided, and condemned. I had a vision... I had a shocking vision into what the "real" Midwestern Americans thought about Jews. When I brought home from school the brightest boy (next to me of course) in my class, he was a New Yorker, he looked "ethnic", and was sharp as a tack. I remember as if it were yesterday, what my grandmother said when I brought him home to the house through the kitchen entrance, used only by family and friends. I introduced him... not a word was said about Judaism until completely without warning, she shrieked "Get him out of my kitchen! Get him out now!" I've never told this story before, but now is the time to do so, since it demonstrates how even amongst the "best families" anti-semitism was rife, if not voiced. I know, and I was apalled. I, as the son of a leading family, was promptly forgiven for my picadillo. As for my grandmother, she never mentioned it again, in any way, shape, or form. Bob Dylan faced his situation in a vastly different way than I did with mine. For him, there were no swimming parties, no lazy afternoons at the club house, no finding golf balls hit by errant duffers. All this came to me as if by right, for so we regarded it, by right. For Dylan, things were different. And where I watched the Lennon Sisters, where Lawrence Welk directed his lily white Champagne Music Makers, and had two-toned shoes just like Pat Boone, and a cap like Davey Crockett wore, Bob Dylan fled his boyhood home in Hibbing to the bigger world of the University of Minnesota, where he enrolled in 1959, and where I taught as a lecturer many years later. I stayed in school, never left, attended 12 universities, and got four degrees, including a Ph.D. from Harvard. I chose the comfortable route. Dylan, by contrast, had heebie jeebies, ants in his pants. There was always something new with him... that never changed. Rock'n'roll was here to stay, but not for Dylan. Studying was never his objective... American folk music was. But only for a short time, providing yet another escape hatch from dead end rock'n'roll. "The thing about rock'n'roll is that for me anyway it wasn't enough... There were great catch-phrases and driving pulse rhythms... but the songs weren't serious or didn't reflect life in a realistic way. I knew that when I got into folk music, it was more of a serious type of thing. The songs are filled with more despair, more sadness, more triumph, more faith in the supernatural, much deeper feelings." With strongly held sentiments like these, and just a few bucks in his pocket, Bob Dylan did what every aspiring, counter cultural artist did: fled to New York... the Big Apple even then; de rigeur if your politics were Left, you had a world of drugs to sample, and your sexuality was promiscuous, but ardent. Here, young Bob Dylan and I diverged again. I went to Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa (Harvard only came later). My agenda included "God Bless America" and staying straight and squeaky clean in a place where one may safely send one's children, and where the "real world" scarcely made an appearance at any time. As for sex... that wasn't even invented until 1968, remember? It was about this time, I can date it almost to the minute, when Bob Dylan's America and mine broke apart. The chasm between us was so deep, it still exists today, and worse than it ever was. He was on his track, I was on mine. He, from February 1961, played at clubs around Greenwich Village. He was a magpie, picking up a song there, a lyric here, a soused composer somewhere else, and a singer whose golden voice failed to obscure the fact she was a heroin addict, at $25 a day. She would sit on his lap, and look in deeply at what she could only see. Bob Dylan saw this, as he saw everything. For without even knowing the word, he was a humanitarian... and therfore a friend to all, whatever they thought of him. And what they thought was often unnecessarily hostile, mean spirited, and dismissive. In my case, because I came from West Los Angeles, I was appointed by the administration as the master of interracial relations, and the cataclysms which, like East Los Angeles (called Watts), frightened the bejesus out of America, as it watched black marauders destroy the basis of their lives, and what they could do to yours if they weren't stopped. By this time, Robert Dylan (he had legally changed his name again in 1962), was becoming savvy about the record business, but not savvy enough. In 1968, the BBC took a film recording of "Madhouse on Castle Street", starring Dylan, and gratuitously destroyed it. There is no copy extant today, because those bozos thought he was a has been. My path and Dylan's didn't cross much anymore after he changed his musical direction as easily as he shed and gained a new name. He was looking for something, but what was it? Perhaps he didn't even know. Then one day I got myself trapped in a booth at a local restaurant here in Cambridge. I had just recently been diagnosed with having Parkinson's Disease, and I acted like no one in the world ever had a disease before and certainly pointed fingers and laughed at mine. It was pathetic, self-pitying, a dead end. Then, I remembered a song I had used as background music for a poetry reading once upon a time. It was Bob Dylan's version of "Forever Young", published in 1974. I had spent my whole life doing what was expected, doing it when expected, doing it with as little ruckus as possible, and above all, doing it oneself, becoming a burden to no one. How I could get out of my coat, wedging me as it did in the booth, so that I could go neither forward or back, I did not know. But then, these lines, rose as if by magic from my roiling brain: "May you always do for others And let others do for you" There was Bob Dylan, masquerading as the voice of God, and doing a damn good job of it, too. I was ready to change my modus operandi of a lifetime. I was ready to let people help me for a change, and it was Bob Dylan right there before me who made me willing to have it happen. He was the one who pointed to the insidious refrain... "May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you" And so far, I've been doing pretty well listening to his advice. Envoi On December 10, 2016, on a splendid evening soon to come in another memorable event in the Swedish dynasty, they will have front row seats as the Swedish Academy bestows its highest honor, the Nobel Laureate for Literature. Bob, if I may advise you in a small sartorial matter, do not appear in white tie with tails. It is not you. Come instead as the man who has shown the world not just about various kinds and types of music, but about how music can beautify and cleanse a world so deeply disunited. And, remember when King Carl XVI Gustaf (b. 1946) hands you your glittering prizes, you will have no greater admirer than I, for you deserve the thanks of the world for having a full heart, and knowing what to do with it. As for His Majesty and his beautiful commoner Queen, Silvia Sommerlath (b. 1943), you can be sure they had a helpful hand in this election, after all, they are the same age we all are, and love your music in all its varieties. Sing them, "The Times They Are a-Changin'" (1964), for they certainly are. Skol! Here's the musical link: About the author: Now 70, a bonafide septuagenarian, Harvard educated Dr. Lant looks upon his much favored life with happiness and joyful acclimation. Author of nearly 60 books and well over 1,000 articles, this is a man who knows how to tell a story and tell it well. To see his complete oeuvre, go to by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author's program note. Rarely if ever have I seen my fellow countrymen so riled up... irritable, angry, rude epithets at the ready, bad behaviors endemic. What's going on? Try these for openers... A rotten economic situation that just won't get better... and you're afraid it never will. And so you worry (for the umpteenth time) about just how secure your job is. Is there some guy in Mumbai who'll be glad to do it at half what you get? You've raised the subject with your boss... but his answer was not reassuring and now he won't look you in the eye. A president whose leadership style gives us no leadership... and nary a Republican presidential candidate who doesn't cause multitudes to hold their noses, gagging, and wonder why our mind boggling lengthy and expensive campaign produces candidates we can't stand or respect, much less admire. Sickening scandals like the one still unfolding at Penn State, scandals that make us wake up in the middle of the night shouting, "What the...... is going on around here?". Sometimes we wonder, and not just once either, whether anyone is honest, decent, and unarmed anymore... or whether it's only suckers (you being one) who play by the rules. Every day we pick up the newspaper and read about another murder in the neighborhood, our neighborhood. Are our neighbors only "good" because we don't know their secret lives and the home truths that haven't yet been disclosed? We read about some drug bust at the school down the street... and are horrified to see the police photo and recognize our kid's favorite teacher. We run upstairs and check the closet and dresser drawer to see if this has touched us even closer. You're fortunate today... nothing out of order... but the word "yet" comes immediately to mind... since these days you expect something bad to happen any time now and aren't particularly surprised when it does. We read about... and are as concerned as our busy lives will allow... another species declared extinct... another Web sex scandal... another political official with a skill for theft and plausible denial. You feel sure he'll get off easy when his time in court comes up. Is that what the bandage over the eyes of the statue of Justice is supposed to mean? You're concerned about America's unending wars in countries whose names you cannot pronounce, much less find on a map, but which you are paying for. You've got a friend whose young cousin, proud and handsome in his Marine Corps uniform, was killed by a sniper... a boy just 20 years old. The thought haunts you all day... You want to believe such early death helps the country in question, America, the world... but you don't. You see that boy's eyes and feel them boring into you, asking one question over and over -- "Why?"... and you just can't give a good answer. You feel increasingly helpless as the barrage of bad news, miseries, muddles, mayhem just won't quit. You want time off from it all... but these realities, details delivered to us faster than ever compliments of the Web, constitute the unceasing rhythm of our lives. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. We wonder if, after a lifetime of contributing, Social Security will be there when we need it... and whether Medicare will provide the level of service we'll need. A gal from our office had that acute breathing problem and was put on a respirator; the hospital didn't want to pay for it... and the matter now resides in their legal department. We want care... we get lawyers. It makes us very, very nervous.... and sad. We wonder how some shady Greek and Italian politicians can have so much influence on our lives so far away. What kind of magic powers have they got that force us (however superficially) to pay attention to what they're doing... and doing... and doing, all of which threatens the stability and satisfaction of our lives? You want to say it's "unfair"... but you know no one cares what you think about the matter... and you don't want people to think you're a wimp. So you stay quiet and unsatisfied... it's just the way things are. And so the days pass... ... until the calendar tells you it's Thanksgiving, the official day, sanctioned by custom and dictated by law, you get together with family and friends to eat too much and give thanks for your ability to do so. But this year, you just don't feel like it, though you wouldn't mind a piece or two of pumpkin pie. What's a body to do? I'll share something that works for me... don't waste your time enumerating all the good things you've got, especially when you realize most of them are flawed and superficial. Instead, focus on the myriad of problems, inconveniences, woeful situations and debilitating malevolence you don't have... bullets you have dodged for another year. This will make you feel really thankful about things that really matter. Here's how it works... Preparation and The List This year I attend my 64th Thanksgiving, so I consider myself a man with some experience in the matter. Put this experience to work by putting aside the usual falderals... don't just hold hands and ask little Janie to say the blessing. Janie is probably too young to have much insight into the event... and will be unable to perform her helping role to perfection. Thus the end result will be unutterably banal, like all the years before. Instead, seize this bull by the horns and brainstorm a long list of things you are thankful you don't have to do, think about, or consider in any way. Be brutally frank. Item: your boss got fired because of that restroom peccadillo, and you never have to see him again. That was huge! Item: your estranged cousin Herbie, bete noir of many years, has gone missing, no one knows where. If he never returns, that would be too soon. Item: Your darling daughter didn't marry the wild idealist who always played the zither and never bathed. Delicious. Item: your neighbor's noisome pooch Mickey, gifted with a piecing yelp and high decibel duration, ran away in pursuit of amorous freedom. He will of course be missed by someone... but not by you. Keep going! Don't stint! As you get into the task, you see that the things you don't have, that you were afraid you would have and forever are the very things you always needed to make this holiday sing. Now type your list. You will never remember them all and since each adds its mite to the happy event, do not rely on memory. Practice, too, reciting them. Read slowly.... with deliberate cadence and gravitas in your voice. Having recited this list you will feel, perhaps for the first time in months, truly happy for you have discovered for yourself and shown the world the ample bounty of happiness at your fingertips, Thanksgiving now and forever your favorite holiday. ** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below. About the Author Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is known worldwide. He started in the media business when he was 5 years old, a Kindergartner in Downers Grove, Illinois, publishing his first newspaper article. Since then Dr. Lant has earned four university degrees, including the PhD from Harvard. He has taught at over 40 colleges and universities and is quite possibly the first to offer satellite courses. He has written over 50 books, thousands of articles and been a welcome guest on hundreds of radio and television programs. He has founded several successful corporations and businesses including his latest at … His memoirs “A Connoisseur’s Journey” has garnered nine literary prizes that ensure its classic status. Its subtitle is “Being the artful memoirs of a man of wit, discernment, pluck, and joy.” A good read by this man of so many letters. Such a man can offer you thousands of insights into the business of becoming a success. Be sure to sign up now for his Future Guaranteed Millionaires Club at More can be found on Dr. Lant on his author page at: |
AuthorDr. Jeffrey Lant, Harvard educated, started writing for publication at age 5. Since then, he has published over 1,000 articles and 63 books, and counting. Archives
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